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Awakening Magic

- Magic appears at 8 years old (can be different based on race)

- Awakening happen different based on the magic of user

-Multiple types of magic can awaken at the same time

-Awakening can be induced

The earliest possible age of normal magical awakening is 8, as the first 7 years of a child’s life have incredible psychological and biological development that the magical development uses as a foundation. This foundation is a requirement for non-magical beings to develop magic.

However, as a more common example, those who awaken magical ability would typically end up doing so within their teen years.


Beings whose origins are more magical in nature, either by race or other influence, may awaken magical ability earlier. The exact details of the magic and its capabilities at awakening versus when the individual is older may vary heavily depending on the exact influence or race.


Sometimes, magic may be awakened by a form of induced awakening. This is covered in classifications of magic, due to their nature.

Magical awakenings, and how they are expressed, typically are influenced by the type of magic the user has awakened to. The conditions may still vary from individual to individual,however. 

For example, a user of nature or plant magic could either awaken in their sleep and find their bed covered in plants that gently grew out from the floorboards. Alternatively, they may awaken around others and cause thorny growths to rise from the ground around them, latching onto others momentarily.


It is completely possible for someone to awaken to multiple types of magic, or perhaps awaken a second or third time in theory. Some people may even obtain an additional magical ability that works off of their awakened type of magic.

Detecting Magic

- More experience, more sensitivity to magic

- Harder to sense when hidden

-all have the ability to detect magic in varying degrees

Magic detection may be possible to varying degrees, however this requires the magic user in question to gain this ability naturally, through immense study, or perhaps other methods. Upon obtaining such an ability however, sensing magic becomes an incredible boon for a mage. The exact specifics of detection and perception of magic may vary between those capable of it, two examples being the ability to perceive the movements of mana itself or a fire specialist learning to sense the presence of fire magic.


The presence of magical potential can be detected as well. While abilities certainly help, all magic users would be capable of feeling the magic of another individual with enough proximity and concentration. Awakened and unawakened magic can be felt, with unawakened being more noticeable closer to the point of awakening. For magic users without an ability for it, this “feeling” comes across as different between different types and classifications of magic. You would, however, need much practice and experience to be able to differentiate and identify these “feelings” of magic.

Classification of Magic

-Sorcery- natural born magic

-Wizardry-Sorcery but with studying

-Sourced-comes from something other than the user

-Induced- influenced/forced awakening

-Augmentation- physically-inclined magic/ better explained in Mediums of Spellcasting

-Abnormal- Misc.

  • Sorcery

  • Sorcery can be defined as when the magic of the caster is incredibly intuitive for them to use, similar to how various creatures or civilized races have natural instincts.

  • Wizardry

  • Those who awaken to a form of Wizardry are similar to those with Sorcery. However, they lack the intuitive understanding and must instead learn how to use their magic through study and learning. While this may seem like a downside, they typically have much more flexibility than pure users of Sorcery.

  • Sourced

  • A type of magic that comes from an unusual or unique source, specifically in an instance where it doesn’t work like typical magic.

  • Induced

  • Magic that has had its awakening induced. This could be done artificially through certain steps, or it could occur as a form of mutation that changes the requirements for the individual to awaken their magic. Records indicate that this may be a rather painful process.

  • Augmentation

  • Artificially produced similarly to forms of induced magic, Augmentation is the permanent physical application of a focus or magical material to an individual's body that makes them capable of using dormant magic/mana they otherwise would not have had access to. The effects and functions are entirely dependent on the focus, unlike other types of magic.

  • Abnormal

  • A type of magic that doesn’t match the currently known classifications of magic. Abnormal types of magic, with further study, may gain a classification later on or be dubbed as a wholly unique form of magic.

  • Different classifications could be mixed together to classify a singular type of magic or both be present within an individual at the same time.

  •  For example, a member of The Asulon Theocracy could have Sourced magic from their faith, but could have also awakened a form of light magic Sorcery separate from their Sourced magic. These two types of magic may co-exist or merge together within the individual, giving the individual a rather interesting form of magic.

Mediums of Spellcasting

-There are various ways to use magic

- Willpower- mental state based

- Somatic- verbal command based

-Ritual- written command based

-SC Focus- item based

Various magic users may come across the fact that others cast magic differently here and there. There are various ways of casting magic, all intriguing in their own way. Any kind may be chosen by the spellcaster. Some mediums may be more comfortable to the caster and some may come much more intuitively than others.


Will based casting:

  • Users of this type of spellcasting are capable of mentally willing their magic into reality, magic the act purely based on thought and willpower.

  • Some casters of this variety may have their magic influenced by their mental state, so it’s good to exercise caution and good mental/emotional practices.



  • Users of this type of spellcasting are required to physically act in some way to guide or shape their magic. This could be either through spoken words of some form or physical movement.

  • Exact benefits and reasons for using this style of spellcasting vary from user to user. Some find that it helps create a mental image, others say they can feel their magic flowing more easily or powerfully, and some find that their magic simply will not work without it.



  • One of two mediums of spellcasting that occurs outside of the body. The creation of a ritual or formation is to create a physical or ethereal method of guiding the magic into the intended form.

  • This method of magic takes quite a lot of prep time. However, the more time, effort, and resources put into the ritual or formation the more powerful it may be.


Spellcasting focus

  • The second spellcasting medium that occurs outside of the body. The user of this style of spellcasting may use an item of some kind, be it an accessory, weapon, or other implement to focus their magical intent.

  • For all purposes of actual spellcasting, the results are typically fairly similar to will based casting. However, what is intriguing to note is that the focus in use may influence the casting and implement some of its own brand of magic into the caster’s.

  • In the case of augmentations, the focus may use either the conscious will of the caster or passively use the caster’s resources on its own. One intriguing example of a passive augmentation comes from the orcish race, who use a focus in the form of runic tattoos to tap into their dormant mana.

Spellcasting Resources

- ALL magic has drawbacks

- Mana runs out eventually in the body

-physical damage affects mana pool

-overabundance of mana is also a drawback in some cases

The cost of using magically typically isn’t free, as it will need something to draw on to fuel whatever it is being used for. 


The most common example of this is Mana, of which most people have at least some amount within them and is the most common resource used. 

The use of mana from an individual's “mana pool”, or other sources in the case of rituals and formations, allows the user to cast magic without taking a toll on their body.

When a mana pool runs low on mana or is empty when the caster attempts to use magic, however, consequences ranging from fatigue to physical damage may be inflicted on the caster. These mana based drawbacks do not occur to those who don’t use mana, perhaps as a result of not being as heavily integrated with its use.
Lesser known consequences can occur from the exact opposite, holding more mana than the user is capable of. The consequences of this overabundance of mana isn’t well defined, and could vary wildly depending on the source of the mana, but know that it typically isn’t something that should happen to an individual with a normal form of mana regeneration.

Exceptions may apply, as with all magic, to these drawbacks. These are merely the common form magic-based drawbacks take the form of.

Some alternative examples of spellcasting resources exist. Some known examples are vitality or stamina, which have more noticeable and immediate consequences. Other, much more conditional spellcasting resources have been theorized but not proven just yet.

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