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The Fae Wilds

The mystifying beauty of the fae wilds, its colossal, and flourishing canopy eclipsing the world below in almost twilight. The smaller plant life and some insects are bioluminescence so when night blankets the land there will always be some form of light to guide your way. The people here keep their lifestyle close to nature resulting in some interesting choices in building.



  • Periods/Eras in time


  • The migration (1000 Years ago)

  • Main Historical Events


  • Current State

  • Cautious of Foreign powers,Superstitious  

  • How does time work




  • Economy 

    • Coins (Gold, silver, and bronze) 

  • Most valuable Resources

    • Ore ,Herbs

  • How are these resources bought or sold


  • How can this society be considered wealthy

  • The abundant supplies of natural resources the wilds holds 


  • Actual divine entities in the world?

  • The lonesome Archfae

    • the life of an archfae can be rather lonesome, for they are revered and seen as a deity, it is not uncommon for them to be highly sheltered and overprotected until they are ushered into the archfae society, as such they tend to lack communication and socialization skills, typically finding more peace in quiet and solitude.

  • gods/goddesses of that religion


  • Myths and Legends

    • The Migration :There are rumors of fauna being descendants of humans who either turned their back on the human world or those who the human world turned their back on and so sought out the wilds for help


  • Primary Tenets/ Ideals

    • Those within the wilds live close within nature 

  • How do religions clash


Magic System:

  • The limits

    • Soft System/ strengths come with drawbacks and the like. 


  • What can be achieved with this magic


  • How does magic interact with society




  • System of Government  

    • Oligarchy 

  • Who has the power

    • The archfey

  • How are laws created

  • Law enforcement system




  • How does the territory look? 

  • it's colossal, and flourishing, Its canopy eclipsed by maple, beech, and elm, who provided just enough openings for light to pass down for all sorts of saplings to rule the moss covered grounds below. Quiet climbing plants wave from the occasional tree, and a range of flowers, which are unique to this region. It’s home to all sorts of creatures both big and small. Most of the smaller plant life is bioluminesce so when night blankets the land there will always be some form of light



  • Natural resources

    • Ores, precious metals 


  • Location vs Survival?




  • Intelligent races in this society/ part of the world?

    • Archfey

    • Fae

    • Elves

    • Fauna

    • Treant

  • How do these races live?


    • .

  • Special Traits?


  • Fauna and Flora in the area

    • Cavern eater boa

    • Scrunkles

    • Guidflies

    • Luxicaim honeybees

    • Many different types of bioluminescent plants and shrooms




  • Most important features/ differences in culture from others


  • Main works of art/lit/construction

    • Their main form of art is dancing they hold masquerade balls 

    • Their form of constriction is very attuned with nature 

  • Conflicts in society


  • Effect on the world

  • Society:


  • Most important people in Kingdom

  • Least important


  • How do classes co-exist

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