Luxicaelum Honeybee
Luxicaelum Honeybee: The Luxicaelum Honeybee is a peculiar species of endemic honeybee that is whitish blue in color. Some of its most noticeable aspects would be its fluffy overall appearance and lack of a stinger. They feed on pollen, nectar, and other sugary liquids if provided. The hives made in the wild are a brilliant white color and, can be rather large, these aspects make their hives very bright in harsh lighting and hard to miss.
In contrast to their white palette, their raw honey is a pitch black color with an iridescent sheen. And depending on what flowers they feed on, their honey can take on various effects and subtle flavors. A grown colony of these bees can contain up to tens of thousands of members with one queen. Due to their docile nature and rich honey, these bees are often raised by beekeepers both in and out of their native lands in the western fae wilds.
Habitat: Fae wilds
Danger rank Sand
Loot: Hallucinogenic honey (if in faewilds ) (if taken and raised else were) Normal honey